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Asteroid Nightmare

"Asteroid Nightmare" is an iteration of the classic top-down shooter game Asteroids made using Unity. This is a psychological horror game telling a story of a girl fighting her inner demons. The player may choose to take a pill to enable a “shotgun mode”. However, the number of enemies will increase drastically...

Team Composition




08/2022 - 09/2022

Game Programmer

Game Designer

Programmer * 1

Artist * 1

Tech Artist * 1

Producer * 2


Click here to try the game (no download required).

Asteroid Nightmare is my first game project. Despite being new to C#, I was able to leverage my knowledge of C++ to smoothy develop the game within a short period. This project served as my entry to game programming.

As the only programmer in the team, I was responsible for establishing the project and coding all gameplay mechanics including character movement, shooting projectiles, enemy and pill spawning, and different game modes.

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